Rehabilitation Services
- i-dArt invites you to join | Grandpa Grandma Series: ' Next Stop... the Blink Blink Place'
- i-dArt presents | “What a carefree time in the wild field!”
- TWGHs “Radio-I-Care” Online Radio Station and Lok Hong Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness Presented drama “Open up your dream”to promote social harmony
- i-dArt presents |“We are street people – an interactive project”
- TWGHs "iRun - Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 2015" Kick-off Ceremony
- The ‘Transpacific Ties – Bridging Hong Kong and Los Angeles Through Art’ ExhibitionShowcasing Different Talents and Rebuilding International Ties of TWGHs
- Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Lok Hong Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness and iCare Kitchen
- TWGHs ‘Radio-I-Care’ Online Radio Station Photo exhibition to promote appreciation and harmony
- i-dArt Presents“The Colorful Art Dreams of Grannies”
- Seminar cum Press Conference: Listen My Mental Health Problems Away
- Forget-Me-Not: Announcement cum Symposium on 'Dementia Screening Questionnaire for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities'
- Tung Wah idArt “Step 1” Ceramics Group Exhibition
- Tung Wah organizes Hong Kong’s largest special marathon. Over 2,000 disabled athletes and pair-up runners join “i-Run – Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 2013”
- i'mperfect art sponsorship program for people with disabilities
- “i’mperfect” Art Sponsorship Programme cum Charity Auction